Video Production (NS2274)
A Rare Gem
Creative Content Agency
20 years in operation
Corporate & Government clients
Sale Price $990,000 NEG
The quality of production this agency produces is something to be admired. The team doing work are experienced, highly skilled and dedicated in their craft.
For 20 years this highly experienced team of production, video and creative content personnel have been providing the exceptional quality production for both Government, corporate and the education sectors.
They are story tellers and they deliver a strong message for their clients, repeat clients and new clients. They have expertise in a range of areas with permanent personnel and regular freelancers keen to put their name to the work that this agency does.
Buyers with an understanding of quality content, meticulous detail, strong deliverables, scalable production, and quick turnaround should be keen to learn more about this business.
We welcome all confidential enquiries.
Price: $990,000 NEG
For further information please contact Narrim Segeal on
0411 577 670 or 03 9888 6488 or email