Garden Maintenance (ZGLS118)
Landscape, Lawns & Garden Maintenance business established in 1994 servicing some of Melbourne’s most prestigious properties and high wealth individuals.
The businesses mission is to ensure their clients gardens look there absolute best and continues to thrive and grow healthily into the future. The maintenance staff devise a personalised and seasonally based maintenance program for clients to ensure appropriate maintenance and care is being delivered all year round.
From the smallest courtyards through to the grandest properties, The employees of this business are passionate about gardens of all shapes, sizes, styles and maturity to ensure their clients growing investment is being nurtured, protected and cared for.
Works includes garden maintenance, refurbishing existing properties, hedging, pest control, disease control, fertilising, pruning, shaping, lawn renovation and mowing.
Asking $450,000.00 (Includes $125k of plant & equipment at replacement value).
For further information please contact Gary Lay on
0407 526 431 or 03 9888 6488 or email
Gary Lay